The Impact of Regulatory Changes on Financial Institutions
By Victor | | 0 Comments |
The financial sector has been marked in recent years by regulatory change, with Anti-Money Laundering (AML) and Counter-Terrorist Financing (CTF) regulations taking center stage.
Key Jurisdictions in Private Equity Structures
By Victor | | 0 Comments |
Selecting the right jurisdiction for investment structures is a pivotal decision. Each jurisdiction offers a distinct set of advantages that can significantly impact the success of private equity ventures.
Private Equity Structuring
By Victor | | 0 Comments |
In complement of my previous article, I thought it might be useful to illustrate and break down the fundamental components of private equity structuring. I will be explaining terms such as financial sponsor, GP, LP, etc.
Understanding Private Equity
By Victor | | 0 Comments |
In the world of finance, few terms evoke as much curiosity and confusion as "Private Equity" and the last two years working with major players in this field taught me that this remains a hazy concept for many still.
Banking trends shaping the future of finance
By Victor | | 0 Comments |
The world of banking is undergoing a profound transformation, driven by technological advancements, evolving customer expectations, and shifts in the global economic landscape.
Navigating the current economic landscape
By Victor | | 0 Comments |
The current economic context is akin to a complex puzzle, with pieces constantly shifting and reshaping the global financial landscape.
Keep hitting until it comes crumbling down
By Victor | | 0 Comments |
Walls show up in our lives in many forms. Arm yourself with enough determination and you are going to bring them all down.
Network is key
By Victor | | 0 Comments |
You can only achieve so much by yourself so why not give networking a chance?
Grab your laptop and go to… Romania!
By Victor | | 4 Comments |
Like every one of us you are probably concerned about inflation nowadays, and of course prices are booming everywhere but Romania is and will probably still be one of Europe's countries providing the best value for money.
We become what we think about
By Victor | | 9 Comments |
The future is not defined by the past, it is defined by your objectives, your decisions and your consistency in sticking to them.