Network is key
You can only achieve so much by yourself so why not give networking a chance?

Network is key

Family, friends, colleagues and other business connections ... that's probably what our social networks are made of right? 

But why should you give any importance to that especially when it does not come natural to many of us to get out there and meet new people? 

Well, let us start with the obvious benefits of social interaction:

  • a better quality of life
  • a lower risk of depression
  • an increase in self esteem
  • a better mental and physical health

But, on top of this, we should consider as well what this means in terms of development:

  • Of your knowledge

Think of every person you get the chance to meet as of the author of the most interesting book that's just about to come out. And you get an exclusive preview to that. I can guarantee that, if you get with that mindset into every new encounter, you will not only make those around you feel heard but also you will be able to unlock many treasures as you combine energy and knowledge that may have the chance of defining a different tomorrow. 

  • Of your visibility

It's easy, the more you know, the more you build, the more you get to be in te spotlight, so get ready for that. Might be a good idea to meet someone who can tell you a bit more about public speaking. 

  • Of your reputation

Yes, that's right, when you mix knowledge and visibility with time you get reputation. You will be establishing yourself as a supportive, reliable and knowledgeable professional, or who knows maybe some will even consider you an industry expert. 

And if knowing all of this you are still scared of networking:

  • Get a sidekick. Then suddenly you are less alone in a room full of strangers.
  • Be there early. There is a good chance that people will come over out of the same fear of loneliness that you are feeling.
  • Just be yourself.  Unless you are a very good actor when you play a part you are going to be made as you loose all of that body language that comes with natural interaction. 

Still hesitant about getting out there? 

Drop me a message and let's see if we can figure out a way to step your networking game up. 

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